When you support Children’s Center’s mission, you become a “Champion of Hope” for a child in need. In this new series, we’ll interview our generous Champions to find out what inspired them to stand up for Clark County kids!

You may recognize Brian and Mary Thompson from our Fall 2017 print newsletter. Here’s the “extended cut” interview. We’re so lucky to have such passionate supporters!

Meet Brian & Mary Thompson

Brian and Mary Thompson


Q: What keeps you busy?

A: “Parenting two nine-year-old boys keeps us busy. Experiencing things through their eyes for the first time, that keeps us young.”

Q: Why do you support Children’s Center?

A: “We realize not every family has those same options and by doing everything we can to assist the Children’s Center, we give them an option and a resource.”

Q: Why does children’s mental health matter?

A: “(Treatment) at an early age allows for a better outcome as an adult. Better outcomes help avoid issues that our community experiences in the form of substance abuse, homelessness, and crime.”

Q: How does supporting Children’s Center enrich your own life?

A: “It is heartbreaking to know what some of these kids experience. If volunteering can help even one child achieve a happy life, there is nothing we wouldn’t do to make sure they have every chance to achieve that goal.”

Want to join Brain and Mary in standing up for children’s mental health?

We’re always looking for members of the Children’s Center community who want to help inspire others! Can we feature you in our next interview? Get in touch with Matthew Butte at matthewb@thechildrenscenter.org to learn how you can help.